The Art and Science of Relationships
Developing Skills for Difficult Conversations
For Individuals, Couples, Families, Friends, Colleagues, Therapists, Coaches and Facilitators
All Welcome
August 2014 (date and venue to be confirmed)
Sometimes it is easier to avoid, deny or acquiesce when there is conflict in our relationships. Relationships are often demanding, and call for growth in our inner capacities and awareness.
This workshop will assist you to build your skills in having difficult conversations. We will look at:
Differences in power in the relationship
Differences in emotional responses
Pressure being exerted from outside the relationship
The sensitivity and understanding required from people close to you
In having difficult conversations people are often barely able to look after themselves, let alone the relationship. Often our relationships are damaged as a result.
Each day there will be opportunities for:
Personal reflection and inner work
Practicing new skills with other participants using exercises
Small and large group discussions
The Facilitators
Vicki Henricks (BA, Grad Dip Bus, MAPW, Dip PW) is the Director of the Byron International Coaching Centre offering executive coaching, counselling and psychotherapy. She has a Masters degree in Process Work, is a certified Process Oriented Psychotherapist and member of the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology.
Vicki has been working with organisations and individuals for over 20 years. She is passionate about helping people to connect to their deeper vision, goals and path in life. She is known for her “down to earth” practical style.
Alan Richardson (B.Soc.Sc (Psych), Grad Dip Counselling, M.Ed, M.Soc.Sc, Dip PW, PhD (Cand)) is a counselling psychologist and educator. He is Director of the Centre for Psychotherapy, Couples Counselling and Research in Brisbane where he is involved in research into counselling efficacy, grief, loss and trauma and the impact on relationships. He works in private practice as a therapist working with individuals, couples and in training and clinical supervision of professional practice.
He is currently Co-President of the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology, a lecturer at Queensland University of Technology and faculty member of ANZPOP.
Registration and Enquiries
Workshop Fee
$250 (Early Bird)
Places are limited by the venue capacity so please book early.
For bookings, payment information and enquiries please email Vicki Henricks [email protected] or phone 0409713397.
About Process Work
Our framework and methods for the workshop are drawn from Process Work, also known as Process Oriented Psychology, based on the work of Dr Arnold Mindell and his Associates. Process Work is part of the cutting edge in psychology and social change with its roots in Jungian psychology, quantum physics, deep democracy, Taoism, and indigenous wisdom.
In his research in the 1970’s Dr Mindell discovered that meaningful expression of our unconscious minds can not only appear in our night time dreams, but also in our body symptoms and illnesses, relationship difficulties, addictions, in social tensions and world problems.
Process Work is now commonly described as an “awareness practice” and has a broad range of applications as a personal meditative practice; therapeutic practice with individuals, couples, and families; method for facilitating groups; conflict resolution technique; method for working with people in coma, near death and dying, and other extreme states; and as a method for working with addictions, depression, anxiety and trauma.
Work Study Scholarships
A small number of work study scholarships are available. Please email Vicki Henricks [email protected] outlining your circumstances.
Cancellation Policy
Three days before the workshop a 20% cancellation fee is charged to cover our administration. Cancellation within 3 days will incur the full fee.